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上課日期: 上課時間:9:00~17:30。
繳費辦法:匯款帳號:中國信託銀行 桃園分行 帳號:277531087600,戶名:許瀞文。

A.H. 阿瑪斯 生命精髓
Soul without Shame
A Seminar on the Superego
Can you go through a day without feeling ashamed of something or other in you?
How many times do you put yourself down?
Do you dare to be yourself just the way you really are?
This seminar looks at the destructive forces of the Superego - this powerful Inner Judge - that destroys our sense of love and trust. The Superego has taken the throne of the inner guidance thus preventing us to enjoy and live from true Being.
Join this seminar to learn and practice how to come to terms with this constant voice that is tougher on us then anybody else could ever be! The hidden and mostly unconscious workings of the superego are one of the biggest obstacles on the way of inner liberation! It is the most powerful inner coercive force that stands against expansion of awareness, love and inner growth.
Who is this judge? Why do we listen to it? Why has this superego power over us? Lean how to get out of its grip! This workshop shows tools to pave the way to freedom of the soul.
We all hear voices like, "Oh - I'm feeling alive, sexual, creative, joyful… - this is bad, not allowed, you are not made for that, it is not good enough, what will others say, etc-" killing our energy and power.
The Superego is the internalized relationship between our little child and the parents. The judge is never content with the way we are. It fragments us into pieces. Qualities like joy, fun, spontaneity, lightness cannot stand around the judge. How many times have we cut off feelings to the point where we are now frustrated? Letting go of the wounded child is letting go of the internalized parents and with this the letting go of the inner judge. Being alone with our naked self, we finally are able to take charge and responsibility for our life and inner growth. Through the dethroning of the limiting views of the superego, we finally can listening to our true inner guidance.
This process is developed on the principals of the Diamond work of Almaas and Faisal as well as my own life experiences.
This is an experiential teaching retreat. Monthly meetings as well as email homework will follow up the retreat, to facilitate deeper integration.

There remains always the belief in the need for ideals, morals, and rules to govern one's life. From our perspective, the superego is the inner coercive agency that stands against the expansion of awareness and inner development, regardless of how mild or reasonable it becomes. It is a substitute, and a cruel one, for direct perception and knowledge. Inner development requires that in time there be no internal coercive agencies. There will be instead inner regulation based on objective perception, understanding, and love.
The best approach is to decrease the power and influence of the superego and to replace it with awareness as much as possible, all the way to the final and complete dethronement of the superego.
The ego automatically and unconsciously responds to the superego with repression of parts of the personality, to defend itself against its painful attacks. An effective way to deal with the superego is to learn to defend against its attacks in a different way, without having to use repression and the other unconscious defense mechanisms of the ego. The method has to be conscious and intentional, in contrast to the habitual automatic ways that can only foster unconsciousness. . . . Any justification already implies some guilt, and so it won't work.
A. H. Almaas, Essence
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~~A.H.阿瑪斯 生命精髓~~

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An effective way to deal with the superego is to learn to defend against its attacks in a different way, without having to use repression and the other unconscious defense mechanisms of the ego. The method has to be conscious and intentional











上課日期: 上課時間:9:00~17:30。
繳費辦法:匯款帳號:中國信託銀行 桃園分行 帳號:277531087600,戶名:許瀞文。

A.H. 阿瑪斯 生命精髓
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~~A.H.阿瑪斯 生命精髓~~

Soul without Shame
A Seminar on the Superego
Can you go through a day without feeling ashamed of something or other in you?
How many times do you put yourself down?
Do you dare to be yourself just the way you really are?
This seminar looks at the destructive forces of the Superego - this powerful Inner Judge - that destroys our sense of love and trust. The Superego has taken the throne of the inner guidance thus preventing us to enjoy and live from true Being.
Join this seminar to learn and practice how to come to terms with this constant voice that is tougher on us then anybody else could ever be! The hidden and mostly unconscious workings of the superego are one of the biggest obstacles on the way of inner liberation! It is the most powerful inner coercive force that stands against expansion of awareness, love and inner growth.
Who is this judge? Why do we listen to it? Why has this superego power over us? Lean how to get out of its grip! This workshop shows tools to pave the way to freedom of the soul.
We all hear voices like, "Oh - I'm feeling alive, sexual, creative, joyful… - this is bad, not allowed, you are not made for that, it is not good enough, what will others say, etc-" killing our energy and power.
The Superego is the internalized relationship between our little child and the parents. The judge is never content with the way we are. It fragments us into pieces. Qualities like joy, fun, spontaneity, lightness cannot stand around the judge. How many times have we cut off feelings to the point where we are now frustrated? Letting go of the wounded child is letting go of the internalized parents and with this the letting go of the inner judge. Being alone with our naked self, we finally are able to take charge and responsibility for our life and inner growth. Through the dethroning of the limiting views of the superego, we finally can listening to our true inner guidance.
This process is developed on the principals of the Diamond work of Almaas and Faisal as well as my own life experiences.
This is an experiential teaching retreat. Monthly meetings as well as email homework will follow up the retreat, to facilitate deeper integration.

There remains always the belief in the need for ideals, morals, and rules to govern one's life. From our perspective, the superego is the inner coercive agency that stands against the expansion of awareness and inner development, regardless of how mild or reasonable it becomes. It is a substitute, and a cruel one, for direct perception and knowledge. Inner development requires that in time there be no internal coercive agencies. There will be instead inner regulation based on objective perception, understanding, and love.
The best approach is to decrease the power and influence of the superego and to replace it with awareness as much as possible, all the way to the final and complete dethronement of the superego.
The ego automatically and unconsciously responds to the superego with repression of parts of the personality, to defend itself against its painful attacks. An effective way to deal with the superego is to learn to defend against its attacks in a different way, without having to use repression and the other unconscious defense mechanisms of the ego. The method has to be conscious and intentional, in contrast to the habitual automatic ways that can only foster unconsciousness. . . . Any justification already implies some guilt, and so it won't work.
A. H. Almaas, Essence
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An effective way to deal with the superego is to learn to defend against its attacks in a different way, without having to use repression and the other unconscious defense mechanisms of the ego. The method has to be conscious and intentional
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