獲得 EDM
人一輩子都在尋求「愛」,小時候尋求父母、長輩、兄弟姐妹的愛,在學校時尋求師長和同學的愛,出社會後尋求老闆、上司、同事和朋友的愛,到談纞愛和結婚後尋求伴侶、配偶的愛,所以,「愛 」是人生最重要的課題。得不到愛的人,是不會快樂的,沒有給出愛的人,也不會快樂。
愛是什麼? 您對愛的認知和觀念是什麼? 要怎麼樣愛別人和愛自己?您有沒有在愛的關係中受傷? 在那一段關係中受傷了? 是什麼阻礙了您的愛? 您可以怎樣移除這些障礙和改善您的關係?
關於以上這些問題,請來 AIM ~ 密集覺知訓練課程 ~ What Is Love 愛是什麼 ~ 來探索這個課題。在課程中互相支持和愛的能量圈中,能幫助您探索您的關係, 所以,這是一個強而有力的密集靜心課程,也是一個深層療癒與淨化的課程。
課程的內容會包括問公案、靜心、個別諮商、唱頌咒語 …等等。問公案是禪宗的獨特修鍊方式,進行方式是2個人一組,輪流在夥伴傾聽的支持下,去探索和覺知自己的愛的關係,每個人可以得到很多的時間去探索和覺知自己,所以收穫是非常豐富的。
所以,歡迎大家來參與這個密集的覺知訓練靜心課程,更歡迎大家來探索您個人的愛的關係。課程內容除了問「愛是什麼」的公案以外,還會包括非常棒的靜心 … 等等。
相關鏈接: 愛是什麼 - 三拖歷 - AIM - AIM - 電影
愛是什麼? 您對愛的認知和觀念是什麼? 要怎麼樣愛別人和愛自己?您有沒有在愛的關係中受傷? 在那一段關係中受傷了? 是什麼阻礙了您的愛? 您可以怎樣移除這些障礙和改善您的關係?
關於以上這些問題,請來 AIM ~ 密集覺知訓練課程 ~ What Is Love 愛是什麼 ~ 來探索這個課題。在課程中互相支持和愛的能量圈中,能幫助您探索您的關係, 所以,這是一個強而有力的密集靜心課程,也是一個深層療癒與淨化的課程。
課程的內容會包括問公案、靜心、個別諮商、唱頌咒語 …等等。問公案是禪宗的獨特修鍊方式,進行方式是2個人一組,輪流在夥伴傾聽的支持下,去探索和覺知自己的愛的關係,每個人可以得到很多的時間去探索和覺知自己,所以收穫是非常豐富的。
所以,歡迎大家來參與這個密集的覺知訓練靜心課程,更歡迎大家來探索您個人的愛的關係。課程內容除了問「愛是什麼」的公案以外,還會包括非常棒的靜心 … 等等。
相關鏈接: 愛是什麼 - 三拖歷 - AIM - AIM - 電影
To read the general description about the AIM process: Click here
Asking Osho’s modern day Zen Koan "Who is in?" cuts through the layers of personality swiftly and clearly, straight to the core, to our center of witnessing. Osho gave a lot of attention and emphasis to this process. Changing the traditional Koan “Who am I?” into “Who is in?” helps a contemporary seeker to avoid getting lost in the maze of modern crystalized ego structures.
AIM – “Who is in?” presents to its participants a powerful gateway to inquire into the core of true nature. It offers a journey through the many layers of personality straight to our deepest center of witnessing. This structure – a blend between the eastern traditional Zen technique of Koan asking and the modern psychoanalytic sharing and listening approach – is scientifically designed to lead our total energy into a “direct experience” of who we really are.
Intensity and totality is required to look into and beyond our masks and makeups. As the koan is asked again and again, as the koan is answered moment to moment, a greater awareness of and a detachment from our identifications with the personality begin to develop. Once these identifications are experientially understood, they loosen up; we start shifting toward our center of being. When we learn to identify with Being a new sense of bliss and a deep relaxation with that what is can arise.
Related Links: Satori - What is Love? - AIM - AIM - Movie
AIM – “Who is in?” presents to its participants a powerful gateway to inquire into the core of true nature. It offers a journey through the many layers of personality straight to our deepest center of witnessing. This structure – a blend between the eastern traditional Zen technique of Koan asking and the modern psychoanalytic sharing and listening approach – is scientifically designed to lead our total energy into a “direct experience” of who we really are.
Intensity and totality is required to look into and beyond our masks and makeups. As the koan is asked again and again, as the koan is answered moment to moment, a greater awareness of and a detachment from our identifications with the personality begin to develop. Once these identifications are experientially understood, they loosen up; we start shifting toward our center of being. When we learn to identify with Being a new sense of bliss and a deep relaxation with that what is can arise.
Related Links: Satori - What is Love? - AIM - AIM - Movie
Meditate on !This:
The moment one becomes the witness, consciousness leaves the seen and settles on the seer. In this state is attained the unwavering flame of wisdom. And this very flame is liberation.