
誰在裡面?」「愛是什麼? 」「什麼是信任?」「三托歷 」「什麼是性慾?「什麼是真相?」「什麼是自由?」「什麼是覺知?」



Ma Nirvana:『我參加過最有效的靜修!』

Sw Premdeep:『剛開始我幾乎要放棄了。但是後來卻欲罷不能!』

G. Evan:『我在半路找到自由!』


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What is an AIM Retreat?
AIM is a highly structured process, which creates a tight container, that leaves no other option than to turn within. Our personality is habitually so conditioned to look outside, that we have almost never consciously experienced who we really are.
AIM combines modern communication and ancient traditional Zen techniques to come back home.

What happens in AIM and Satori retreats?
Who is in?What is Love?” “What is Trust?”, Satori“ What is Truth”?, “What is Sexuality?” “What is Freedom”, “What is consciousness?”
We will be practicing Life-Koans to AIM straight to the source as our target. Not only asking, but getting a direct experience will bring confidence in our individual understanding. Life Koan’s are riddles, which will work as a deep detoxing agent to purify our centers and thus create an opening for Being. We will be sitting with different partners to listen and explore. We will be chanting and doing meditation techniques specifically designed to support us on the way. A suitable diet, active meditations and interviews with the teacher will support you further.
During these retreats you will be in isolation away from your daily life.
In the silence and protection of the meditation hall, as part of our inquiry, we will listen and speak, we will sing and meditate. We are free to cruise within a strict but loving structure of support. You are alone yet not alone on this endeavor. All we need to know and be can be found within.

What is my benefit when doing AIM?
These retreats have the potential to spare you many fruitless efforts on the meditation path by giving you a clear direction. They are like booster shoots to kick start your higher self. They clean your body heart and mind deeply, thus saving you from too much therapy. The koans cut through layers of personality like a laser beam to bring you straight to the target of who you really are. They open doors to eventually become your own master.

Am I suitable to do AIM?
As long as you have passion and determination to understand and be yourself.
If you are open to your real potential.
If you really want to learn to trust and listen to yourself.
If you are ready to pay 3 to 7 days to jump into the holy fire.
In short: if you want to grow spiritually.

What participants are saying:
“One of the most powerful retreats i have done! “ (Ma Nirvana)

“In the beginning i wanted to give up. And then i did not want to stop!” (Sw Premdeep)

“I discovered real freedom on half a square meter!” (G. Evan)

“It was hard, but worth every single moment.” (Dara)

“I found myself!” (爱)

Related Links: Who is in? - Satori - What is Love? - AIM - AIM - Movie
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~~鑽石途徑創辦人 A. H. Almaas~~

The real mirror – which is the self-awareness you are cultivating in learning to mirror yourself – is to see yourself without judgment, without comparison, without self-hatred, without reification, and without conceptualization, but with compassion, courage, kindness, love, presence, awareness and intelligence.

(A. H. Almaas)

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Play the video to get a taste of AIM!