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人有三個中心,分別是丹田 (位於肚臍下兩吋)、心及頭腦。頭腦在人體最遠的邊界,因此當你凡事從頭腦出發時,也是你離自己最遠的時候。如果你比較貼近自己,你會從心出發,但當你位於丹田時,你便處於內在的核心位置。(奧修)




個案工作者會學到如何與個案共同合作,帶領他們到腹部中心,並達到內在更高層次,並且將個案過程轉化為靜心,不會只是一味試圖 「治好」 他人。不管您提供的是哪一種個案服務,這兩階的工作坊提供實用的技巧,讓您能在個案浮現情緒或其他議題的時候,更有能力協助他們處理。

最初,丹田覺知按摩是由印度普納的賦歸內在武術中心發展出來的。奧修在最後幾年的工作裡,每天晚上都引導他的弟子回歸丹田。他離世不久之前要求 「歸於中心與武術學院」 設計一套身體工作系統,以身體作為途徑,幫助人們回歸丹田與內在。迦雅老師在賦歸中心受訓成為認證老師,並且成為該系統及課程的協同發展者及主要治療師。




丹田覺知與其他身體工作不同之處在於我們聚焦於腹部 (丹田所在處),並且運用多種不同方法回到這個中心,因為腹部是我們第二個腦,許多器官都在裡面。

第一階 課程是入門課程,為期六天,主要學習的是回到腹部中心,穩定紮根以及放鬆。同時我們也會學到丹田覺知按摩手法,能夠在親友需要時幫助他們。

第二階 課程為基礎課程,為期八天,教導我們更多放鬆壓力的方法,我們同時學習將療癒引導到器官,並且更深入了解內在,信任自己。當我們透過身體作為管道的時候,在過程中我們會發現許多平常未察覺的潛意識,這時我們學習如何敞開,引導自己以及他人度過情緒混亂的時刻。

第三階 進課程是進階課程,為期十天。適合身體個案工作者。這個培訓會教導我們如何進行一期九次的全套個案療程,同時學員也會學到能量和經絡工作相關的進階技巧,以及諮詢技巧。

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Dantian Awareness Massage
A Course

“These are the three centers: hara; heart and head. The head is the farthest most boundary-line -- when you are farthest from your being, you are in the head. When you are close to your being, you are in the heart. When you are at the very core of being, you are in the hara.” (Osho)

This course is for everybody who is interested in strengthening the belly center, which is most far away from our busy minds.
Our key to this approach is relaxing into Awareness and Love.
You will enjoy to participate in part 1 and 2 just for yourself as a deep self-experience. Body and touch will become doors to the inner. Learning to act from the hara will bring us into the here and now.
Additionally, we will be practicing skills to support ourselves and others on the path of inner growth.
We are learning how to regulate stress and emotions.
Session givers can learn ways to work with their clients through centering in the hara or higher self, making session work a meditation, rather than trying to “fix” someone.

If you are already a session giver, this course will give you the abilities to deal with emotional and other issues of your clients, when they arise through your specific work.

Dantien Awareness Massage was originally developed in the School for Centering and Martial Arts in Pune, India. During the last years of his work Osho was guiding his disciples every evening towards the Hara. Shortly before he left his body, he requested us at the “School for Centering”, to develop a bodywork process, which would help people to reach the Hara (and Being) by using the body as a gateway.
Jaya was trained at the School for Centering and then became one of the main facilitators and co-developers of the Dantien-Awareness-Massage-Process.

For 20 years Jaya has been leading seminars and trainings in Pune. He has been giving thousands of sessions in Pune and over the world.

This technique combines body work, counseling, emotional release with awareness and meditation.
In this course you will learn:
‧ skills to go away from busy mind
‧ body and energy exercises
‧ easy massage and shiatsu techniques, which effortlessly bring us
..into a relaxed and open inner space.
‧ read and free energy of the body
‧ Know which body parts relate to what kind of issues
‧ uncover and explore hidden issues
‧ cruise back to key experiences from childhood, birth and pre-birth
‧ support emotional release
‧ some effective counseling techniques
‧ go deeper into mediation through centering in the Hara

In contrast to many other bodyworks, Dantien awareness has many methods to work with the belly, because the belly contains the second brain and holds most of the organs.

The Level 1 Basic Course (6 days), is mainly centered on grounding and relaxation. It additionally teaches elementary techniques of hara awareness massage to relatives and friends.

The Level 2 Foundation Course (8 days) teaches us even more how to relax tensions, bring healing of organs, and help us to understand and trust our inner self. As we are working with and through the body – which house a lot of our unconsciousness – we learn how to open and guide ourselves and others through emotional turmoil.

The Level 3 Advanced Training (10 days) is more for practitioners and bodywork session givers. It teaches how to give a 9-session package and advanced techniques in energy and meridian work, and counseling skills.

“The hara center is the source of all your energy. It can grow just like a tree grows from the roots into different branches.
According to Patanjali, the energy can be divided into seven centers, but the original source remains the hara. From the hara it can go up.” (Osho)
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Awareness transcends everything, body and soul, earth and sky, yin and yang, life and death, inner and outer.
In this reunion we can start living our full potential.
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Awareness transcends everything, body and soul, earth and sky, yin and yang, life and death, inner and outer.
In this reunion we can start living our full potential.


人有三個中心,分別是丹田 (位於肚臍下兩吋)、心及頭腦。頭腦在人體最遠的邊界,因此當你凡事從頭腦出發時,也是你離自己最遠的時候。如果你比較貼近自己,你會從心出發,但當你位於丹田時,你便處於內在的核心位置。(奧修)




個案工作者會學到如何與個案共同合作,帶領他們到腹部中心,並達到內在更高層次,並且將個案過程轉化為靜心,不會只是一味試圖 「治好」 他人。不管您提供的是哪一種個案服務,這兩階的工作坊提供實用的技巧,讓您能在個案浮現情緒或其他議題的時候,更有能力協助他們處理。

最初,丹田覺知按摩是由印度普納的賦歸內在武術中心發展出來的。奧修在最後幾年的工作裡,每天晚上都引導他的弟子回歸丹田。他離世不久之前要求 「歸於中心與武術學院」 設計一套身體工作系統,以身體作為途徑,幫助人們回歸丹田與內在。迦雅老師在賦歸中心受訓成為認證老師,並且成為該系統及課程的協同發展者及主要治療師。




丹田覺知與其他身體工作不同之處在於我們聚焦於腹部 (丹田所在處),並且運用多種不同方法回到這個中心,因為腹部是我們第二個腦,許多器官都在裡面。

第一階 課程是入門課程,為期六天,主要學習的是回到腹部中心,穩定紮根以及放鬆。同時我們也會學到丹田覺知按摩手法,能夠在親友需要時幫助他們。

第二階 課程為基礎課程,為期八天,教導我們更多放鬆壓力的方法,我們同時學習將療癒引導到器官,並且更深入了解內在,信任自己。當我們透過身體作為管道的時候,在過程中我們會發現許多平常未察覺的潛意識,這時我們學習如何敞開,引導自己以及他人度過情緒混亂的時刻。

第三階 進課程是進階課程,為期十天。適合身體個案工作者。這個培訓會教導我們如何進行一期九次的全套個案療程,同時學員也會學到能量和經絡工作相關的進階技巧,以及諮詢技巧。

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Dantian Awareness Massage
A Course

“These are the three centers: hara; heart and head. The head is the farthest most boundary-line -- when you are farthest from your being, you are in the head. When you are close to your being, you are in the heart. When you are at the very core of being, you are in the hara.” (Osho)

This course is for everybody who is interested in strengthening the belly center, which is most far away from our busy minds.
Our key to this approach is relaxing into Awareness and Love.
You will enjoy to participate in part 1 and 2 just for yourself as a deep self-experience. Body and touch will become doors to the inner. Learning to act from the hara will bring us into the here and now.
Additionally, we will be practicing skills to support ourselves and others on the path of inner growth.
We are learning how to regulate stress and emotions.
Session givers can learn ways to work with their clients through centering in the hara or higher self, making session work a meditation, rather than trying to “fix” someone.

If you are already a session giver, this course will give you the abilities to deal with emotional and other issues of your clients, when they arise through your specific work.

Dantien Awareness Massage was originally developed in the School for Centering and Martial Arts in Pune, India. During the last years of his work Osho was guiding his disciples every evening towards the Hara. Shortly before he left his body, he requested us at the “School for Centering”, to develop a bodywork process, which would help people to reach the Hara (and Being) by using the body as a gateway.
Jaya was trained at the School for Centering and then became one of the main facilitators and co-developers of the Dantien-Awareness-Massage-Process.

For 20 years Jaya has been leading seminars and trainings in Pune. He has been giving thousands of sessions in Pune and over the world.

This technique combines body work, counseling, emotional release with awareness and meditation.
In this course you will learn:
‧ skills to go away from busy mind
‧ body and energy exercises
‧ easy massage and shiatsu techniques, which effortlessly bring us
..into a relaxed and open inner space.
‧ read and free energy of the body
‧ Know which body parts relate to what kind of issues
‧ uncover and explore hidden issues
‧ cruise back to key experiences from childhood, birth and pre-birth
‧ support emotional release
‧ some effective counseling techniques
‧ go deeper into mediation through centering in the Hara

In contrast to many other bodyworks, Dantien awareness has many methods to work with the belly, because the belly contains the second brain and holds most of the organs.

The Level 1 Basic Course (6 days), is mainly centered on grounding and relaxation. It additionally teaches elementary techniques of hara awareness massage to relatives and friends.

The Level 2 Foundation Course (8 days) teaches us even more how to relax tensions, bring healing of organs, and help us to understand and trust our inner self. As we are working with and through the body – which house a lot of our unconsciousness – we learn how to open and guide ourselves and others through emotional turmoil.

The Level 3 Advanced Training (10 days) is more for practitioners and bodywork session givers. It teaches how to give a 9-session package and advanced techniques in energy and meridian work, and counseling skills.

“The hara center is the source of all your energy. It can grow just like a tree grows from the roots into different branches.
According to Patanjali, the energy can be divided into seven centers, but the original source remains the hara. From the hara it can go up.” (Osho)
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Awareness transcends everything, body and soul, earth and sky, yin and yang, life and death, inner and outer.
In this reunion we can start living our full potential.
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